
Etsy is an online marketplace for buying and selling all things handmade. There are over 700,000 products on the site, offered to you directly from 60,000 individual artists. Support the independent. Find the unique. Buy, Sell, and Live Handmade

Just 2 Spots Left to Fill

Author jannypie Category

The Handbook to Handmade is a monthly volume of 36 Etsy artists from different cities and around the world. This is a promotional tool that is used to help promote artists and Etsy. Please go to the official blog at http://etsypromobook.blogspot.com/ to check out all the featured artists.
There are just two spots left so if you are interested go to http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=9826869 to pre-register.


Deb DiSalvo said...

Amy- glad you're on board with this one! I'm so excited to get mine - should have it in a couple weeks and I'll bring it to the next meeting!!!! BTW - art show got cancelled over the weekend, but is rescheduled for this Friday and Saturday night!!

Megan said...

I have a spot in Volume 5!

................................... said...

Very cool...now there are 3 Etsy Team Columbus artists in that book!!!

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