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Thursday's Featured item of the day by Crazy Craftn Ladies

Author jannypie Category , , , ,

Team member Audra has TWO Etsy shops where her fun-spirited creations may be found. We're excited to share the links with you below. Also, we think her self-written profile is a perfect introduction to our readers and have reprinted it below. Enjoy!

Crazy Craft'n Ladies was born out of the love of crafting and wanting to start my own family business. I learned to crochet when I was 5 years old. I took about a ten year break as I grew up and went off to college and by "accident" got back into crafting again. Ever since I have fallen in love with expressing myself creatively and have taken on more types of crafting: knitting, quilting, jewelry making, papercrafting (scrapbooking, rubberstamping and card making).

I like to make things that I would like, something that I would buy from someone else, if I couldn't make it myself. The items featured in this Shoppe will be made by me and my Mom, Sandi. Every once in awhile we may feature an item that was made by a friend or another family member. We will always let you know!

Crazycraftnladies was opened as an etsy buyer in 2006 and opened as an etsy seller and shop in 2008.

Keep an eye out for LanieBugJewelry. Our full jewelry line will be featured on LanieBugJewelry in the next few weeks. Stay tuned!

Audra's blog:


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