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Author jannypie Category , , , ,

Greetings faithful followers and Happy Friday. Today I wanted to share a wee bit of info with you all regarding two recent local craft/art shows our members participated in. The photos attached below are from the Worthington Market days event last Saturday. Portions of High Street were blocked off and tents of vendors lined the both sides of the roadway. There were many many unique and interesting wares to be found. Five of our team members shared a space and enjoyed the beautiful day filled with eager shoppers. They were Silverflame, Out of the Pink Sky, Hevvin Designs, Mel's Clay and Adornments by Karla.
At the same time, to the south in downtown the Independents Day event was held. Another five team members came together to represent our team proudly. The sidewalks were covered with amazing chalk drawings and I've heard a grand time was had by all. Those present were Artistic Flair, Arteest, Smarty Pants Design, Maram and Space Dog Studios.
Our roster and talent continues to grow here in ETC as does our presence in and around Columbus. Thank you for sharing the journey with us all! Namaste.


Molly said...

your tables look great!

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